SQL Joins


# create / connect to database file
# drv <- duckdb(dbdir = "my_database.duckdb")
# or you can have a temporary in memory database without a file.
drv <- duckdb()
con <- dbConnect(drv)

We have already used a join as one way to do our recode/lookup data transformation.

Joins are a key capability of SQL databases, and the underlying optimizations used for Joins are a core reason that SQL has remained so core to data work.

Inner and Outer joins

Often we want to combine data from different tables. So far we’ve done this with id columns and using using JOIN on its own. Now we will learn there are a few different kinds of JOIN.

Take this example:


name hobby
Shuyen (both tables) dancing
Brian (both tables) dancing
Adnan (hobbies_only) running


name major
Shuyen (both tables) Art
Brian (both tables) Theater
Yungsheng (majors only) English

There are actually quite a few different ways to bring these data together (and the files are available: hobbies.csv and majors.csv).

Notice that the students in each table are overlapping. Some are in both tables (Shuyen and Brian), but others are only in one of the tables (Adnan in hobbies, Yungsheng in majors).

One thing we can’t do is (pretending we are in Excel land) we can’t just copy the major column and paste it next to the student_hobbies columns. If we do that, we will end up with an incorrect row that claims that Adnan is in the English major. So Yungsheng’s data ends up on Adnan’s row.

We also can’t copy both columns and paste them underneath. If we do that the values from major will end up in the hobby column.

But SQL databases know ways to combine the tables that preserve the meaning of the data.

We will look at four different ways to combine these tables: 1) FULL JOIN, 2) LEFT JOIN, 3) RIGHT JOIN, and 4) INNER JOIN





Images from https://learnsql.com/blog/sql-joins/


The first keeps all of the data, matching up rows and adding NULL values where rows are only in one table or the other. This is called the FULL JOIN.

FROM hobbies 
  FULL JOIN majors


name hobby major
Shuyen (both tables) dancing Art
Brian (both tables) dancing Theater
Adnan (hobbies_only) running NULL
Yungsheng (majors only) NULL English


We can also keep all of the data from one table, and add in only the matching data from the other table. This is called the LEFT JOIN or the RIGHT JOIN. The direction just points to which table we will keep all the rows from.


FROM hobbies 
  LEFT JOIN majors


name hobby major
Shuyen (both tables) dancing Art
Brian (both tables) dancing Theater
Adnan (hobbies_only) running NULL


FROM hobbies 
  RIGHT JOIN majors


name hobby major
Shuyen (both tables) dancing Art
Brian (both tables) dancing Theater
Yungsheng (majors only) NULL English

These are really useful when we have data in a table about things and we want to “bring over” any data we have about those things.

A RIGHT JOIN is identical to a LEFT JOIN with the tables reversed in order. This makes it almost never used as people would just rewrite it as a LEFT JOIN. So one generally doesn’t come across RIGHT JOIN. ie:

majors RIGHT JOIN hobbies

is identical to

hobbies LEFT JOIN majors


Finally, our fourth option is to only keep rows that have data in both tables. This is called an INNER JOIN.


name hobby major
Shuyen (both tables) dancing Art
Brian (both tables) dancing Theater

Notice that, in some sense, the INNER JOIN drops data? Neither Adnan nor Yungsheng show up in these results at all. Sometimes that is appropriate, sometimes that is problematic.

Inner vs Outer?

Joins are frequently talked about as being two kinds, inner and outer.

FULL, LEFT and RIGHT are all OUTER joins.

Because LEFT JOIN is by far the most used, if someone says just “outer join” then they almost always mean LEFT JOIN but OUTER JOIN on its own will throw an error.

INNER JOIN is the only inner join (there is only one way to include only the rows that match), it is used frequently enough that JOIN with no other word means INNER JOIN.

Yes, so far in the course we have been doing INNER JOIN without calling it that.

JOIN synonyms

Square brackets shows optional part.

LEFT [OUTER] JOIN -- Often say "outer join"
[INNER] JOIN -- might just say just "join"

Many people are confused about the language here.

It is very common for people to think that a LEFT JOIN is not a kind of OUTER join. They may think that only a FULL OUTER JOIN is an OUTER JOIN.

They may become enraged if you insist on this.

Try to get comfortable with the two most common joins. INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN. One useful way to think of this is:

INNER JOIN: All the rows where there is a match (and none of the rows where there is no match) LEFT JOIN: Keep everything in the left table, and add any matching rows from the other table. This is sometimes called “adding matching data, if any” and is used to do “lookups”.


Be aware that some people will say “join” when they are talking, but they will by default write LEFT JOIN, so they actually mean LEFT JOIN but they just say “join” (even though JOIN on it’s own is an inner join).

I dunno, it’s a mess. Don’t blame me.

At least LEFT JOIN never drops data (from the left hand table at least!)

Join conditions (ON and USING)

When we join tables we have to say which columns we want to join on. So far we have done this using the ON clause.

In the examples above it was implicit that we were joining using the name column (as that was the only one with any matches). We do have to tell SQL this, so we use

ON left_table.column = right_table.column

In that way our LEFT JOIN above would become:

FROM hobbies 
  LEFT JOIN majors ON hobbies.name = majors.name

There is a special shorthand when the column name is the same in both tables, USING column_name. Making it:

FROM hobbies 
  LEFT JOIN majors USING (name) 

Note, though, that when we use ON we will get back all of the columns from both tables. In DuckDB this means you will get name and name_2.

This is not problematic when doing a LEFT JOIN because the name_2 column will always have only repeated content, so you can just drop or ignore it. But if you are doing a FULL OUTER JOIN you will have the names from the left table in name and the names from the right table in name_2.

One advantage of USING is that you will only get one name column back. But it only works when columns are named exactly the same, something that often doesn’t work (including when working with id and foreign_id columns).

In this (rare but confusing) case, we can use COALESCE to merge the name and name_2 columns:

SELECT COALESCE(majors.name, hobbies.name) AS name, hobby, major
FROM hobbies
  FULL OUTER JOIN majors ON hobbies.name = majors.name

COALESCE works by looking at each row, working left to right in the columns you give it, taking the first non-null value it encounters. Given that, the order you put the columns in the COALESCE doesn’t matter, when working with a FULL OUTER JOIN.

Looking up values

One important use of JOIN is to lookup the value of some code, such as abbreviations. This is a little like “find and replace,” using a second table to lookup values, doing many different “find and replace” all at once.

Consider these data:


english_name iso_code3 iso_code2
China CHN CN
Australia AUS AU
United States of America USA US

Now we can use these to convert a iso_code to an english name for a country. Consider:


country year_occured medal_count
AU 1984 20
CN 1984 30
USA 1984 29
AU 1980 20
CN 1980 30

We can use a JOIN to lookup values in countries, or “bring over” the matching values from countries, so that each row that has “CN” has “China” in a new column, each row that has “AU” has “Australia” etc.

FROM olympic_medals
  LEFT JOIN countries ON olympic_medals.country = countries.iso_code2

Now we get:

country year_occured medal_count english_name iso_code3 iso_code2
AU 1984 20 Australia AU AUS
CN 1984 30 China CN CHN
USA 1984 29 United States of America US USA
AU 1980 20 Australia AU AUS
CN 1980 30 China CN CHN

You can see that using joins by default brings over all of the columns, but we can use SELECT to get just those we want, renaming using AS if we wish.

SELECT english_name AS country_name, year_occured, medal_count
FROM olympic_medals
  LEFT JOIN countries ON olympic_medals.country = countries.iso_code2

Note that I used a LEFT JOIN above. If I used just JOIN on its own I would get an inner join. In these particular data that would be the same, but if we had a two letter code in a row of the olympic_medals data that wasn’t in the lookup table then we would lose the row. That isn’t usually what we want, so LEFT JOIN protects against that.


  1. How would we find out if a row didn’t get matched up? What value would country_name show?

If someone is doing a “lookup” then they will almost always use a LEFT JOIN followed later in their workflow by dropping null values. That makes the dropping of data more explicit.


Add these data into duckdb:

country_medals <- tribble(
  ~country, ~gold_medal_count,
  "USA", 34,
  "South Korea", 13,
  "Australia", 33
) |>
  dbWriteTable(con, "country_medals", value = _, overwrite = TRUE)

country_region <- tribble(
  ~english_name, ~region,
  "United States of America", "North America",
  "Korea, South", "East Asia",
  "Australia", "Oceania"
) |>
  dbWriteTable(con, "country_regions", value = _, overwrite = TRUE)

country_codes <- tribble(
  ~canonical_name, ~alternative_name,
  "United States", "United States",
  "United States", "USA",
  "United States", "US",
  "United States", "United States of America",
  "South Korea", "South Korea",
  "South Korea", "Korea, South",
  "Australia", "Commonwealth of Australia",
  "Australia", "Australia"
) |>
  dbWriteTable(con, "country_codes", value = _, overwrite = TRUE)
  1. Use a join to bring the region column to the country_medals table.
  FROM country_medals
    LEFT JOIN country_regions ON country_medals.country = country_regions.english_name
3 records
country gold_medal_count english_name region
Australia 33 Australia Oceania
South Korea 13 NA NA
  1. Talk with your neighbor about the result. Why is this not working well? How can the country_regions table help us?

  2. Use a join to add the appropriate canonical_name to the country_medals table

  FROM country_medals
    LEFT JOIN country_codes ON country_medals.country = country_codes.alternative_name
3 records
country gold_medal_count canonical_name alternative_name
USA 34 United States USA
South Korea 13 South Korea South Korea
Australia 33 Australia Australia
  1. Store the results of Q1 as a table called country_medals_canonical (using CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE as shown on SQL Transforms page).

  2. Use a similar join to lookup the canonical_name to the country_regions table and store that result in a country_regions_canonical table.

  3. Now use a join between those two tables to produce results with canonical_name, region, gold_medal_count columns.

Using JOIN with foreign key columns

In SQL database tables often use numbers as ids. These include both primary keys and foreign keys that refer back to the primary key. We will not cover this in our course, but it is something you should learn together with Entity Relationship diagrams and Normalization to restructuring data to become Third Normal Form

Here is an example of data from our initial exercise (the green mug, the red pen). We have split the data into two tables (objects) and colors. Here each table has a primary key id and there is one foreign key color_id.


id name color_id
1 Mug 10
2 Pen 20


id name
10 red
20 green

We can use joins to lookup the color for each object. This is just like the case above, except instead of AU and CN we have the 10 and 20 labels in color_id.

FROM objects
  JOIN colors ON objects.color_id = colors.id;


id name color_id id name
1 Mug 10 10 red
2 Pen 20 20 green

Note that both objects and colors have a column name (and a column id). SQL allows this in results tables (duckdb differs from other SQL databases in that it renames them to name and name_2), but it is confusing so we usually use AS to rename things.

SELECT objects.name AS object_name, 
       colors.name AS color_name
FROM objects
  JOIN colors ON objects.color_id = colors.id;
object_name color_name
Mug red
Pen green

This pattern of joining with an ON condition that matches up primary key and foreign key is very common; this is what we’ve done so far in this course. The id is used in other tables to represent a relationship with a row in a different table. This allows us to stitch back together data that is spread across databases.

You may notice that I’ve used JOIN (inner join) rather than LEFT JOIN (outer join) in this example. This is because when we have primary and foreign key columns we usually have “well-formed” data with “referential integrity” meaning that we don’t have “orphaned records” such that an id in a foreign key column will not be missing in the table it refers to. For example, we could add a new object, a purple pencil.


id name color_id
1 Mug 10
2 Pen 20
3 Pencil 30

But if the colors table does not have a row for purple (30, purple) then beware that using just JOIN will silently drop our pencil.

You can watch out for this as you build up your sequence of queries, using -- sql comments to keep track of the number of rows.

FROM objects;
--> 3 rows

-- Now join to colors table to convert color_id to a color name.
FROM objects 
  JOIN colors ON objects.color_id = colors.id;
--> 2 rows?????????????????????????
-- Why did this drop to 2 rows?

FROM objects 
  LEFT JOIN colors ON objects.color_id = colors.id;
-- 3 rows.  hmmm, the pencil doesn't have a color. Are we missing a color definition?

Historically databases enforced “referential integrity” by marking foreign key columns with REFERENCING in the CREATE TABLE statement. This ensured that you could not insert a row with a “hanging” foreign key. If you tried the database would throw an error.

Today the fashion seems to be to avoid specifying these checks in the database itself. The argument for this approach is that these sort of checks are part of a wider set of validation requirements. For example, checking that a phone number matches a valid particular pattern, or a mailing address is valid, or an age is not negative. The tendency is to push validation outside the database, such as to javascript libraries (for data coming from web forms) or to test steps in data engineering toolchains.

In the data engineering and data warehouse world, this practice (of not specifying REFERENCES relationships in the table definitions) is reinforced in data engineering pipelines, because data is imported table by table, so there frequently are situations where foreign keys do not resolve, at least temporarily. The approach in data engineering is to import all data, then sort it out in the pipeline.

The takeaway here is that using LEFT JOIN when joining tables with primary and foreign keys is certainly a legitimate and important part of data validation and should probably be the default during data exploration.

The downside of using an outer join, though, is that all the records in the left table are retained. When working interactively doing data exploration, this can be problematic when the amount of data is large.

For example, you might be working with data like this in your projects. You might have a table with data for every city in the country … but you only have weather data for a few of them. In your project you probably want to drop data for which you don’t have matching data. So then you might just use JOIN rather than LEFT JOIN (which would leave you with lots of NULLs) That said, we will learn approaches to address this sort of thing on the way into the database, using Python.

Using AS in joins (table abbreviations)

As you can see above, joins can get long and the ON conditions in particular are often hard to fit on one line. They get even longer if one adds conditions in the WHERE clause.

We can provide abbreviations to tables to shorten queries. We do this with FROM table AS t

For example, FROM functions AS f and FROM objects AS o would shorten the query above somewhat:

SELECT o.name AS object_name,
       c.name AS color_name,
       f.name AS function_name
FROM objects AS o 
  JOIN colors AS c ON o.color_id = c.id
  JOIN functions AS f ON o.function_id = f.id

This is useful, although the definition of the abbreviation comes in the middle of the query, after it has already been used.

Aliasing tables is common and you will find it very frequently when searching online. However, reasonable people can disagree about its usefulness.

Pros: - Queries are faster to type - Queries can be more compact, and compactness helps legibility especially when line wraps are avoided


  • Abbreviations can be ambiguous. They are not always obvious, especially when tables start with the same letters. Does p refer to people or purchases? Different analysts might resolve this in different ways, or even the same analyst may use different abbreviations in different queries with different combinations of tables.

  • It can harder to share queries with others, as abbreviations might not be standardized across groups.

    “So p is always people. Well, unless purchases is also in the query, then I use pp for people and pr for purchases. But Katherine, I think, uses ppl or she used to. Oh, and if you join to peters_report try not to use pr? Got it?

  • Column names can’t be abbreviated, so advantages are partial.

  • It can be hard to remember abbreviations when reading queries with many tables, especially if you haven’t worked with the data frequently.

Given that SQL is usually written with tab completion for table names, and colored syntax highlighting, table alisasing may not be as important. Although, given that we write little snippets of SQL everywhere (Slack channels, web Q&A, email) and compactness can help spot errors it will probably persist.


Notice the conventions used by those around you, ask what your team prefers.